Friday, April 9, 2010


This movie had been on sitting on my kitchen table for weeks waiting to be watched - but, knowing what it was about, I just didn't want to expose my little eyes to the harsh reality it uncovers about a small fishing villiage in Japan.

The Cove is about the issue of dolphin captivity first and foremost. But secondarily it's a movie about one-time dolphin trainer Ric O'Barry and the journey that he has gone on.

'I spent the last 40 years working on that obscure issue and it's very difficult because you have to define the problem first. There doesn't appear to be a problem with dolphins in captivity. You see dolphins in a beautiful blue pool and the music's playing, the sun's out, and you're with your family. What's wrong with this picture? Unless you're hitting the dolphin with a baseball bat, you can't see the problem. The movie changes all of that.' - O'Barry

I finally got the courage to watch the film and for lack of a better word...amazing. If you have not seen it – please put it on your queue or rent it. You won’t be disappointed!

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