Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Twitter's "Fail Whale"...

Perhaps you have seen this image before...?

image licensed and trademarked via Twitter

Well, if not...I've got nothing for you - But, if you find yourself familiar with it (as I am sure the vast majority of you have), good news.

1. You are pretty hip. But, may not know what this whale image actually represents. Don't worry - I'll tell you (bet you didn't see that coming). Basically, when Twitter experiences an outage, the users will see an error message that cleverly named "fail whale". Created and owned by Yiying Lu, this whale being carried from the ocean by many birds was developed to communicate "Too many tweets! Please wait a moment and try again."

If this interests you so much, click here for a more deltailed story explaining the evolution of the "fail whale".

2. After a very long vacation, @DahleWhale is back on Twitter if you are interested

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