Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Whale cookies, please!

Whenever I walk past the bakery at the grocery store, I am drawn to the frosted cookies. Because they are…
1. Delicious
2. Adorable
3. So neatly organized

In the past, I have not had luck with decorating any kind of dessert. My last attempt was to write a ‘30’ on a bunch of cupcakes - one could make the numbers out…at all.

So, I thought that if I had a whale shaped cookie cutter and saw some great examples (a.k.a this Fail Whale Cookie picture below), I would be inspired.

Therefore, I ordered this Whale Cookie Cutter and am going to try. Key Word...TRY.

If this turns out well, I might have to invest in this Fox Run Marine Life Cookie Cutter Set - which includes all your favorite marine animals (seahorse, whale, dolphin, porpoise, tropical fish, shark and seagull).

1 comment:

  1. aww i could read the "30" and i thought they were great!

    bTW i have that cookie cutter...make sure you use really cold dough cuz it tends to break in the fluke area.

    good luck!!! i expect pictures
