Monday, July 16, 2012

Whales At Work.

It is not every day you find a whale trinket that is useful and pretty cool (usually you are sacrificing one for the other). But, not in this case my friends.

Last Christmas Santa had his elves make up a great little contraption. Whale Beach Towel Holders - a.k.a. sticks you put into the sand and grab on to your towel to keep it in place. Genius.


For just $5.99, you no longer have to make a fool of yourself by constantly spreading out your beach towel. A simple PayPal payment is all it takes for your very own Beach Towel Clips 4 pack Whale Grey

Upon seeing the whales in action at the beach, my friend yelled "Whaled it!". Couldn't have said it any better.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy Friday!

Happy summer Friday to all!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Beast Of The Deep.

Here it is readers...

If you want your son or nephew or just a random acquaintance to look totally awesome in a t-shirt without being one of those kids, look no further than the J.Crew Boys Killer Whale Tee.

via J.Crew

Instead of a lame "Sister Is For Sale" tee...

via zazzle

...your little dude can just simply be cool without trying for $19.99 - a small price compared to what the boy would be in for wearing a 'sister for sale' tee to school...

...Because...'Beast of the Deep' is not a lame phrase. IT IS A FACT.

All Little Girls Need This...


I think every little girl needs this Skirt because it is on sale $58.00 $43.50 (well, kind of.).

And THIS Whale Tank Top ONLY $28.50 - also...on sale :)

pictures via sweet william

Whaley Unfortunate Ending For A Baby Beluga.

via Science Space and Robots

A baby beluga whale (one of my favorites) was rescued by the Alaska SeaLife Center while stranded succeeding a storm in Alaska's Bristol Bay.

Despite numerous efforts to save the 5 foot, 115 pound Beluga whale (including grounding local flights so the calf could be airlifted to the Marine Center), the little one just couldn't make it...

via Science Space and Robots

The estimated two day old Beluga Whale is now in whale heaven making friends with the many other whales that have been lost.

via the daily what

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Whale Artwork.

Everyone loves etsy, and I must say that they have some really cute art that would add a little something to a nursery or children's room.

I think these would even add some positive thoughts and whale happiness to anyone's household, if you are able to find just the right spot!

Someday I'll Sail the Seven Seas.

via pumpkinandbutterfly

Keep Calm and Love Whales.

via simplygiftsonline

Jojo The Whale

via JAustinRyan

Just Keep Swimming...

via LittlePergola

Happy Fourth of July!

via andy valentine says...

More Whale Movies.

Keep the whale movies coming! After the release of Big Miracle in February 2012 (starring Drew Barrymore and John Krasinski) there is rumor of another film being released! Woot. Woot.

Said to be based on the book, In the Heart of the Sea by Nathaniel Philbrick, will depict a two hundred year old whaling story - where "a whaling ship is attacked and destroyed by a sperm whale".

via slashfilm

This story showcases heroism, struggle for survival and even some cannibalism, AND...the talent tied to the film is none other than Chris Hemsworth (seen in The Avengers, Snow White and the Huntsman, etc.). Based on his previous type-cast role to date, I think he is the right guy to try and battle a sperm whale. Come on Chris...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Albino Killer Whale.

via Far East Russia Orca Project

Although this is not the first sighting of an albino orca, it is the first mature male siting. It is said that albino animals are usually unable to hide from predators or prey, so their survival rate in the wild is typically low, so this is pretty neat.

The Russian researchers believe Iceberg is at least 16 years old given the “somewhat ragged” nature of his fin.

For more information, visit the Russian Orca homepage. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Great Whales.

I just came across this great site with a bunch of whale things :) Enjoy!

Save Our Seas.

via indulgy

iPhone App Helps Protect Endangered Whales.

How awesome!

A new app for iPad and iPhone combines science and technology to help save critically endangered North Atlantic right whales by reducing threats of collisions with large ships along the East Coast of North America. The free Whale Alert App is the result of a multi-organization effort that brings together government, academia, private sector industries and IFAW (the International Fund for Animal Welfare, ).

Monday, April 2, 2012

Whaley Cute.

I have been going crazy with finding whale things for little kids because a few of those close to me have had or are near having a baby! It has been so much fun shopping for these little people and most of the time, I wish the items came in my size!

I will do my best to not overload you all with baby things - but, some are too good to not post.

My favorite find are these Chuck Taylor Whale sneakers for kids, which my soon to be nephew will be rocking one day. Of course, they are now on sale (after I already made the purchase...) - at $19.99, the deal is really hard to pass up.

Then, these Carter's Whale Mermaid Footed PJ's have the most adorable whale pattern! AND, they are also on sale for $10.99. Love them!

There will be more of kids stuff to come, don't worry! :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday, December 9, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Whale Moblie.

Just when I thought they had it all....I come across this Whale Mobile!!

It is the perfect touch for a child's room (or whatever life stage deems this necessary, no judgements). The mobile is homemade and includes narwhals, blue whales, humpback whales and sperm whales...whomever has this hanging above their bed is going to just love the custom designed, made to order mobile and undoubtedly become a whale lover if they are willing or not.

Once available on, this product has been recently sold out. Perhaps an email or a bit of begging could help in making yourself a proud whale mobile owner.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cute And Small.

via babylandkids

Good Looking Whales!

Who doesn't love a good looking t-shirt?

In the search for Christmas gifts (among other things), I happened to come across the Spread Shirt website where you can customize your tees. And...I have to give it to the site because the whale designs available were pretty awesome.

Perhaps one of your whale loving friends would appreciate a t-shirt for Christmas...? I would.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Best Bookcase Ever.

It's times like this I wish I was not 26 years old...

I could really enjoy placing my always growing number of whale books on this ever so appropriate bookshelf.

via Justin Southey

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Whaley Creative!

I love these!!

Whale Fun For The iPhone II

Ladies and Gentlemen...I am pleased to share the Potter Whale!

Although I am not a HP fan, I was pretty pumped to discover the Potter Whale as a variant to my original post Whale Fun For The iPhone :)

If you are in to Harry Potter, I suggest you start sending this text ASAP!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Little Food For Thought...


Sometimes pictures just give you such a better perspective on whales.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I Speak Whale.

Just have to share this amazing infant tee I just sent an expecting friend....SO Obsessed.

via Cafepress 'I speak Whale Infant T-Shirt' - $14.50

Naluark Moves From IL to CT.

Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut opened its doors for their first male beluga whale named Naluark (Na-loo-ark), who was sent from the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. The hope is that the whale will breed with either of the two female beluga whales currently kept at the Mystic Aquarium.

photo of Naluark via Mystic Aquarium

As you are probably well aware of my personal dislike of captivity of any kind, and this situation is very much in line with those feelings. However, if there had to be a positive to keeping whales in would be that, "Naluark has joined three beluga whales in Mystic Aquarium’s Arctic Coast exhibit, one of the largest outdoor beluga exhibits in the nation." Better the biggest than the smallest...

For more information about the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, IL CLICK HERE and for more information about the Mystic Aquarium in Mystic, CT CLICK HERE. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Up Close And Personal.

Ah! This is amazing and something I could not help posting...especially because it takes place off the coast of LaLa Land.

Watch this video as a kayaker gets up close and personal with a pod of blue whales

Blue whales are the planet’s largest animals and their hearts alone are the size of a compact car. But Rick Coleman, the kayaker who took on the whales, says it was worth the risk.

“Oh, they are just a beautiful, magnificent creature,” Coleman said. “So we’re just blessed these last few weeks that we get to go out there and share the same water as them.”

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Want To Name A Whale?

Well, this could be your chance! Whitsundays and Whitsunday Escape in Queensland Australia want YOU to name the baby white humpback whale seen in the Whitsundays. The calf was seen swimming among a pod of humpback whales in Cid Harbour.

All you have to do is log on here to the facebook page and follow the steps before the deadline on October 26th.

Now, if this was not fun enough, the prize really seals the deal. If your name is selected, you will receive a 5 night stay onboard a 38 foot catamaran with Whitsunday Escape in the prime whale watching season. Also, the boat can fit 5 people!

Needless to say, I just entered in hopes of the baby humpback being named Dahle. Fitting isn’t it? :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Happy Friday!


Gun Shot Leaves Whale To Roam The Ocean In Agony...

This is so terrible and breaks my heart to post, but you have to take the good with the bad regarding whale news :(

The search is on for whomever shot an 11-foot-long short-finned pilot whale off the Jersey Shore. The culprit shot the whale and "the animal to wander the ocean in agony for a month or more before it beached itself in New Jersey and died".

And, this incident is not to be taken lightly! It is reported that the shooter could receive 1 year in jail as well as a sizeable fine (which seems only fair!).

Scott Doyle, an agent in charge of the National Marine Fisheries Service's New Jersey shore office, said his agency is hoping someone comes forward to report the shooter. Hopefully this will be solved sooner than later...poor whale!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Keep the whale movies coming!!! BIG MIRACLE is inspired by a true story and set to be released in the US February 3rd 2012.

“In small town Alaska, a news reporter recruits his ex-girlfriend - a Greenpeace volunteer - on a campaign to save a family of gray whales trapped by rapidly forming ice in the Arctic Circle.”

Additionally, BIG MIRACLE has managed to attach itself to some big Hollywood names including Kristen Bell, Drew Barrymore, John Krasinski and Ted Danson. It seems that this whale flick has lots of potential and we are hoping for the best!!

via youtube Big Miracle Trailer